I got this little quiz in an email and I had fun taking it. I thought some of you might enjoy it also. My result was 91% which means I am so southern that it asked the question "is General Lee your father?" Now, that's pretty southern. So, take the quiz for fun and let me know your score!
Take the quiz now.
Thankful Thursday
1 day ago
44% (Yankee). Barely into the Yankee category.
I live in the Philly region of Pennsylvania, but I was born in England.
Fun quiiz!
I got 69% (Southern). I live in California. Fun quiz.
Ok, this quiz isn't that good. I'm from Mississippi and scored a 51!? I did go back and change some of my answers which totaled up to 100. I don't agree with some of the answers. Crawdad isn't used that much vs crawfish. TP'ing? I don't think so. Most people I know back home call it a frontage road, not an access road. I was disappointed in my resluts.
Matt, I'm sure the test is flawed! Because if it was right, I know you would have scored much higher the first time! Or maybe, since you're in a new place and not at home, it affected your score.
Neoauteur, wow, I'm surprised that you have that much southern in you! I'm impressed! BTW, what does neoauteur mean?
Sirprizeme, thanks for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed the quiz.
62% (Dixie). A definitive Southern score!
I am laughing so hard I want to cry!!!
This was hilarious !But I guess I am southern because of my immediate family rubbing off their influence onto me!
Awww...I can't do this quiz as I'm not an American. :-(((
Frasypoo, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! I'm glad you've picked up that much southern-ness in the years you've been here.
Amel, you can still do it for fun. If you hadn't told us in your blogs, I would not have known you weren't American because you write so well in English! :)
I did it just for fun, though I guessed some answers he he he...
53% (Dixie). Barely into the Dixie category.
What's a Dixie anyway? Maybe you can write about these different types, Kathy, since I have NO idea what these are all about. Except Yankee. I've often heard about that term, though I'm not too sure what it means he he he...
Hey, THANKS for your compliment on my English!!! So I didn't go through 4 years of uni for nothing! ;-D
This was fun. I scored 79% Dixie (pretty strong Dixie score ). I e-mailed it to my Dad. I'm sure his score will be higher. Though he doesn't now I can remember him using the word 'poke' for bag. Also, 'crawdad' is the ONLY word used in east Tennessee for the little critter.
I was 47% Yankee. I couldn't believe the ? about drive thru liquor stores! wow!!
Kathy, thanks for stopping by my blog. I love when new people read my little blog. :) !
58% Dixie. Interesting since I'm a born and bred Rocky Mountain girl.
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