This is a nice movie to watch and will give you something to think about.
Thankful Thursday
1 day ago
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, oh Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14
VERY BEAUTIFUL, Kathy! THANKS for reminding me to remember all the MOST important things in life. :-))))
This poem always touches me. It was read at my cousin's funeral.
I forgot to ask: How do you make the video appear in the screen instead of just linking to You Tube?
Also, hope you don't mind my copying your favorite Friday idea!
Hi Amel, glad you enjoyed it -- I thought it was great!
BP, it's funny you ask this because I asked Amel the same thing a while back. I had to open a You Tube account and then I uploaded my video from my computer to You Tube. And then it gives you a code that says "embed" and you copy that and paste it into your post. Hope this helps!;h/hh'[hh6yt07=7-y
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I was reading your directions and Caleb wanted to type too :)
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