I am involved in a women's mission group which meets once a month at my church. I decided to start going to it a little over a year ago because I felt out of touch with things going on at my own church since I play on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights at another church. I love both churches, but I didn't want to be completely out of the loop at my own church. So one of my friends was in this women's mission group and I thought it would be a good thing for me to be involved with. It has really been such a blessing and I've become more aware of the importance of mission work inside and outside of our country. When I went for our September meeting a couple of weeks ago, we had a speaker from a local ministry called Footprints. This is a ministry to families who have premature or sick babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units of our local hospitals. I am so excited about what they are doing because I know from experience what it's like to have a premature baby in NICU. (Read my story). The ministry has even expanded now beyond our local hospitals and there's no telling where the Lord will take it from here. Please take a look at the Footprints Ministry blog when you have a chance, and pray for the families who will learn about Jesus through their connections with the NICU and Footprints.
I am copying these verses from the Footprints Ministry's page -- they are the verses that spoke to the young lady who started the ministry when she felt the Lord leading her in this direction yet didn't know how she would do it.......
How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like a morning fog-it's here a little while then it's gone. What you ought to say is if the Lord wants us to we will do this or that. Remember it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it." James 5:14-15, 17
Book + Bible Study
5 days ago