Friends -- I have to dedicate one day to my special friends that I love so much. While I know and am aquainted with a lot of people, I can't say that I have a lot of really true, close friends. Years ago, after growing up and starting a family, I felt like I had let go of my old friendships, and it seemed like I didn't have any friends anymore. So, I prayed to God to please give me a friend -- a friend with the same values I have and who I could feel comfortable sharing my heart with. Well, six and a half years ago I started a new job and within the next six months, I was working closely with three ladies who have become my friends. I mean, here are the four of us all working together, and none of us knew each other before this job. But somehow, and I believe for some purpose, God has put us together. We get along with each other and work together so well and we have the same values and beliefs on spiritual matters. We share our prayer concerns and we pray for each other. I love these ladies and am so thankful for their friendship.
My other friend is Beverly and we know each other from church. Her dad became the pastor of the church I grew up in when I was a junior in high school. When I got married, her dad performed my wedding ceremony. We became friends before getting married, but we became closer after having children around the same age. We've had some good times together -- taking church trips with the youth group when our boys were in it, working together with youth choir or other singing groups, our families going out to eat together after church, our families going to Tennessee to visit our sons who roomed together while they were in college. I cherish the friendship of Bev and Ronnie and their kids, and I love each one of them.
So, even though I don't have a lot of friends, I have some very good and special friends that will always be my BFFs!
Book + Bible Study
5 days ago