Monday, February 9, 2009

Talking Too Much

I recently learned something about myself. Or maybe I knew it all along. What I learned is that I don’t like to be around people who talk too much. I don’t mind being around people who talk a moderate amount, or even people who talk a lot, but it’s talking too much that I don’t enjoy. I realized it places a burden on me – the burden to have to listen to all that talking. I have always tried to be a good listener, and I think I’m pretty good at it, but there’s a limit to how much and how long I can sit and listen. I hope this doesn’t sound mean, but I just needed to say it.


bp said...

It doesn't sound mean. There are certain people that I find in my life like what you've described.

sister sheri said...

I'm with you. At least give me a little back and forth to make it interesting...

Sandi said...

I am usually like that; however I have a daughter who talks to much but I just let her talk and as I listen I learn unspoken things.

Frasypoo said...

I have become an introvert maybe thats why I have so many internet pals !
My stepson went to the PFP concert in GA,he absolutely refused to let me tell you about it!!!He got to meet your son too!

Michelle said...

I have an award for you on my page

Lori said...

: )
